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Old 11-19-2003, 12:49 PM   #5
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Join Date: Oct 2003
Location: Dallas, Tx.
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I can do some fabbing, I've got a stick welder, cutters, etc. Its no TIG or MIG, but I can make good welds. I just dont have benders or other fabbing tools.
I want to drive it daily, but also be able to deflate the system and have it down low; (not lay frame, but like a 5/7-6/8 drop), If this is possible. I'm maily looking for a nicer/smoother ride. The stock springs are far too stiff. I dont mind saving for an air system rather than spending alot on a good drop.

I've heard the estimate of 1500 for a system. Is that for the lowest/ easiest system, or for a decent, full system?

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