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Old 11-19-2003, 04:16 PM   #10
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I dont know if I'm understanding what all you crossmember guys had to relocated/fab.

From the looking and looking I've done at mine, the only thing I can see that will pose a problem is the steering column. That is ALREADY a problem now. The a-arm is hitting the column when I'm at 0 psi.

Buying some 3/4 shaft and u-joints and a heim or two looks as though it will stick it. I dont see anything else that looks as though it will hinder smacking the rockers on the pavement.

I also have the tallest tire combo that I know of on here. It's only a 20" wheel, but I have the HUGE tire which puts me at 32" on the front. And rear.

Please clue me in though if there is something I'm overlooking.
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