Thread: The "Ole 69er"
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Old 04-26-2013, 04:21 PM   #14
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Re: The "Big Kahuna"

Well not much goin on yet, still collecting parts. Got all new stainless steel brake lines a a new booster mastercylinder combo finally got the front wheels and tires and some other odds and ends. My buddy Alan picked up this set of used tubs to use with the ones on the truck to cut and widen them to fit the 29x15.5s on the back. Just waitin on the rearend to be finished so we can do all the measurments for the back suspension. Boy now I see why they say take your budget and timeline and triple it, when you want to do things it seems to take forever to get it done. But with my buddy Alan we are gonna get it done soon as we can and I know itll be done right, I just have to remember to have patience. Got the tubs for 60 bucks for both, not bad just gonna have to dolly them to straighten out some dents and dings and itll be all good and OE stuff so its worth it. picked me up some peep mirrors and a few other things so when it gets back here to texas Ill still have some things to do. Anyway sorry I dont have much to report but when we can we will get more done and send in some pics. "patience grasshopper patience" LOL
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