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Old 04-26-2013, 08:04 PM   #1
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Question Help with wiring boyd rear fuel cell!?

I cannot seem to figure out how to wire the fuel leveler inside of the fuel cell. Ever since I got the truck fired up, the gas gauge went all the way up past full.

I looked into it, and I just added a new ground from the battery to the frame thinking that was the problem and it wasn't. I've tried multiple locations for the ground with no luck. even with running an external jump wire just to test it the leveler still wont read.

so I broke out the wire tester and the factory location for the gas tank wire barely lights up on the indicator as saying a weak source. so I tap out of the ignition after starting it up to make sure I had a constant and it's still won't read.

I've tried everything I could and it's very frustrating. How did you set yours up? What did you do with the factory wire? Where did you ground it?

Am I missing something here or is this just a simple stupid fix?? Thanks
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