Re: Upper and lower bushings are rubber. Is my front end a 73-87?
You have 73+ upper control arms... like TX said ... not sure if it was a whole crossmember swap... didn't look that close...
Steering box will bolt onto the frame from 69-87 (or 91 on Suburban / Blazer)... There are, however, a few differences... The line connections chananged from SAE to metric in the 80's... They went to variable ratio in the later 70's...
I needed a 2WD box for my crossover steering on the Blazer. I purchased -AN fittings for the steering box and I had to swap the rag joint because the slpines didnt match my 72 steering shaft... The box came out of a late 80's C30 truck....
Rich 1972 K5 Blazer CST Click HERE
Last edited by mcmlxix; 04-27-2013 at 01:52 AM.