Re: very frustrated
I'm kinda late to this discussion...... It's already been established that two different size flexplates exist, but not pointed out each flexplate size requires a specific starter.... The starter for the larger flexplate has the two mounting bolts staggered, while the smaller flexplate's starter has the mounting bolts parallel...
In either design, a "high torque" starter has a longer motor body that is eaily identified by a longer "contact screw" and spacer obtaining electricity from the solenoid.
I once had a flexplate that was bent enough that it didnt run true and would pass close enough to scuff against the starter teeth. When starting from a spot wher the teeth were close, the solenoid wouldnt pull far enough to engage the starter motor, but would jam the teeth meshed and I'd have to crawl under with a screwdriver to detangle it. When starting in a spot where the teeth were too far away, i'd get grinding.
Given a choiice, I'd get the bigger flexplate and starter and start with new stuff!