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Old 04-29-2013, 02:44 AM   #11
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Re: 1952 Chevy 1/2 ton rear glass

I had that same problem when I installed my back window. I taped the rubber gasket onto the glass and left it that way overnight... still did not help. The rubber trys to roll off the glass... especially if you lube it like people suggest doing so it goes in easy. Then when you finally get it to stay on the glass, it wants to push through the other side of the cab when you try to install it. I stuggled with it for a long time before I got it to go in. Waaaaaay harder than the windshield install. Oh, then you have to buy that special tool in order to put the bead lock in. I wish I had tried putting the gasket on the frame first idea. One thing that I would suggest though, is use clothes line string instead of a small string like fishing line. Small string is hard on your hands and it cuts the rubber instead of pulling it past the glass.
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