Originally Posted by Bomp
Hey, great job man.
I can see it now on Over Haulin'
By any chance do you have an idea as to how thick the paint is? Have you had any issues of cutting through the paint when you wet sand?
Honestly I don't know the thickness and yes due to my newbie bodywork skills I cut through in a few spots with sandpaper and a couple more appeared during buffing. Future note to self...STAY AWAY FROM THE EDGES! Good news is I got out the foam brush, dabbed on some paint, let it dry and buffed it out..GONE!
Originally Posted by Low Elco
He'll, looks great to me! Whatever gets it done!
Posted via Mobile Device
Originally Posted by jlsanborn
You gotta be $hittin me!? I saw that in the above post but somehow just overlooked it, like you were joking or something. I can't believe how well it turned out! Learn something every day on this site I tell ya. What does dad think now?
Originally Posted by jmorri34
Man that looks pretty darn good, up till now I was more than a little skeptical about this roll on stuff but that sure tamed it. I may e tempted to do some of that on mine!!
Thanks guys. It turned out pretty damned sweet. Much better than I expected but not as perfect as I wanted but I am working on that. Im having a problem with it not wanting to polish up on one side of the bed while the other side and rest of the truck is smooth as glass. Not sure if I didnt get all the lower grit sanding marks out or if for some reason the paint has not dried? Seems like the buffing compound is gumming up just on the one quarter and when I polished it its just kind of hazy under certain light. Looks great except at very certain angles and light but I'd still like to make it shine like the rest of the truck.