Originally Posted by Dustytrix
12-3 is not going to work, if I understand correctly the 12-3 goes to garage to power up an outlet plug and then continues to power more at your house? One option would be take out the 30amp double pole that fed the dryer replace it with 50amp double pole and run 6-3 to your shop for the air and welder. But we really don't know how many amps the welder or compressor uses, that will determine the larger wire and breaker size.
My uncle who is an electrician came in to town to visit, while he was here I had him look at what I needed to do to supply 240v power to the garage.
He confirmed what you and other said. It requires running a new line, which I was trying to avoid.
I can run a sub panel off the dryer breaker, up the dryer breaker slot to 80 amps, use 4 gauge (80amps) to the sub-panel (mount right next to the main breaker) then run the dryer line to the sub-panel to it's own breaker (just in case it's ever needed). Use the sub-panel to mount a 240/30amp breaker, run 10 gauge (30amps) dedicated line for the compressor. Also mount a 115/30 breaker (I'll verify what the Hobart Handler 140 requires) and run separate 10 or 12gauge wire.
That will give two dedicated lines to each tool.