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Old 04-29-2013, 09:59 AM   #200
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Join Date: Jan 2013
Location: Wild West AZ
Posts: 162
Re: Project "Booger"

Ok time for the weekend round up! When I left off last week I was still in the process of buffing out the truck with Megs 105 and polishing with Megs 205. Well after many hours using the PC 7424 80% of the truck looks like this shot of the hood:

Heres some more pics after buffing/polishing:

As you can see in the last few photos the inside of the bed is still sanded. My original plan was to have a spray in bedliner done but I decided it deserved the roll on treatment too and I'll toss in a bed mat. I did two coats of primer, 3 coats of color thinned 25% on the bed with no sanding between coats. Looked plenty good to me for the bed of a truck as it was when I was finished. Note I was able to do 5 coats total of primer and paint in one day because it was mid 90's (hot as hell in my garage) and almost no humidity. Heres a semi decent pic while it was drying:

Finally the big news of the weekend was I paid a visit to board member T Korinek in Mesa this weekend and picked up a whole slew of goodies at a great price. Got my front bumper, Rear Bumper, Steering Wheel, Mirriors, Door Handles, rubber/felts, and a whole slew of other stuff. Went with a budget, left exceeding it by 300 bucks. Not too bad considering he has every part known to man for these trucks (except my grill but that wasnt his fault) at great prices! I would highly recommend a trip to see him for anyone looking for parts at great prices. Grill should be in this week!

Cleaned up the tailgate and got it painted. Also removed all the hardware and cleaned the overspray from previous paint jobs off of it. Only thing I need to finish it up is the little clips that hold the rods to the handle? Can't seem to find where to get those.

I'll leave you with pics of goodies slowly making their way back on the truck:

Should get the rear bumper on this week and hopefully have a grill then I can goto work on the interior.

Project Booger Build Thread

Last edited by americanthunder; 04-29-2013 at 11:28 AM.
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