Thread: C-list
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Old 04-29-2013, 01:20 PM   #5
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Re: C-list

Looks like a nice truck but I see a couple red flags. First he doesn't show the top of the spid which may be for vin reasons but I wouldn't be surprised if it was originally a lwb truck. Also the passenger door is a 67-71 door so there may be mismatched parts. Also if it was a real super it would have woodgrain lower trim instead of black and the interior would have wood door panel inserts, glovebox door, and dash bezel. Finally the location of the super emblems look to be a little off. It may be a 40,000 truck but I would double check each of those things before I paid top dollar. Anyone could take a glovebox door off a highly option lwb 3/4 ton and put it on a swb 1/2 ton to fool people.
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