Originally Posted by jbgroby
That's cool looking Joey! Congrats. How much dreaming has your boy done on it yet?
Jake, It ended up being late when I got back with it so he didn't get to really inspect it but today after school I am sure the "dreaming" will start to happen.
Originally Posted by 1963c-10
Welcome and cool looking truck. You and your son will have fun on this build.
Thanks, I am not sure which way I will want to go with it yet but I have some ideas.
Originally Posted by glos55
Wow, never thought of that theme......I like it, Congrats!!
Guy said that if I keep it like that for a while that people will want to take pics of it at the gas station and ask questions about it. Said it happens to him all the time.
Originally Posted by Captainfab
Welcome to the forum
That does look like to good solid truck to work with.
Thanks. Thre are so many great threads on this board to gain knowledge from.