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Old 04-30-2013, 01:35 PM   #4
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Re: LS 4x4 swap-need help planning!

Okay, help talk me through this.

One option is find an np241 from a square 90-91 which would bolt right in. What would have to be done as far as driveshafts? Would I need new ones cut? And how about linkage? Would it be something easy to modify I'd assume?

The other is to have the output shaft changed in my 2wd transmission. Which has the cost of the transmission guy, plus having to run an adapter would mean 2 driveshafts as well since it would no longer be in the factory location.

If all that is correct, the obvious choice would be to source an np241 from a square. Assuming I won't need new driveshafts, of course.

I called my local salvage yards. One wanted $350 and one wanted $250 for the np241. But they were both for four speed autos aka 700r4. Id be looking for one for a 3 speed th350 as far as splines go, correct?
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Last edited by misternash2; 04-30-2013 at 02:49 PM.
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