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Old 04-30-2013, 04:48 PM   #7
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Re: understanding all the lines in the fuel system

Originally Posted by ChevyCruizer View Post
I think he was still using rubber lines, just replacing them because of leaks or the possibility of leaks.

There is no rubber line under that cardboard gas tank cover. But yes, you have to remove the seat to get access to the pickup/sender.

There are small pieces of rubber line in the evap system, if you have that. It is in the passanger side of the rear cab. If you look back there you will see one bolt that is holding a fuel line that goes up into the corner near the back window. I took mine out when i relocated a gas tank. I did not really look at the metal line but it had a "U" upside down at the top of it. That might be rubber line, but I thought it was just steel with some rubber or plastic sleeve on it to keep it quiet. Either way this section of line mounts to the tank with small sections of rubber hose. I think if these were bad you would definately smell gas in the cab.

Also, every one of my trucks has had a bad fuel sock/prefilter. It is mounted at the bottom of the pickup. I may of had bad luck, plus most of my trucks (5 of them) have been in non operating status from anywhere from 5 - 15 years when I got them, so that might have something to do with it. But they sell replacement socks or you can just get an entire new unit. Hint - they come in both 5/16 and 3/8. Most 6's have the smaller while 8's have the larger.
I have a clear filter at the Carb, fills up full when running, I just wanted to replace the small rubber sections as a preveative measure... BUT! The sending sock I didn't know about, safe to assume that since the filter fills up I should leave that alone?
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