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Old 05-01-2013, 02:48 PM   #8
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Re: Help with wiring boyd rear fuel cell!?

Originally Posted by VetteVet View Post
The biggest cause for the fuel gauge going past full is that the tank sender wire is disconnected from the circuit. Or the sender is not grounded to the frame.
Look on your fuse panel on the right or left end about center and you should see a terminal marked "FUEL", Is there a tan wire connected there? If not that is where the center terminal from the tank sender is supposed to go. If the wire is there then Pull it off and run a temporary wire from there to a good ground and turn the key on and watch the fuel gauge. It should go to empty or below. This checks the wiring from the fuse panel to the gauge.

Plug the tan wire back onto the terminal and check it for a broken spot back to the sender. Then check the sender for a good ground to the tank and the tank for a good ground to the frame.

All the wiring from the fuse panel fuel terminal back to the sender and to the frame is on the negative side of the circuit. Do not apply any positive voltage to this circuit. It could result in an explosion inside the fuel tank
Post back with the results. VV

In the fuse panel where the factory tank was hooked up to "Fuel" is putting out little to no power, barely lights up the test light when ignition is turned on. So I took the fuse panel off last night and tested to wire directly with the same results, so the feed to my "Fuel" terminal is no good.
I switched it to an open (not used) one on the bottom of the fuse panel that only gets power off the ignition. Is this not ok?

I'm going to play around with it later tonight or tomorrow.

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