Re: What did you do to your truck today!
After installing the home-made mini console and big-deal GPS, Stereo, etc., I loaded up about 30 new
CD's into the Pioneer's "library".
Went out this morning to put in one more and the stereo shuddered and stopped.
Long story short, the new (one month old) battery from Pep Boys (Pro Start - sku 9151303) bled down...
....Any battery will do that...especially after treating it as badly as I just did.
The stereo stopped functioning at 11.09v. The truck wouldn't start at 11.09v. Wouldn't turn over.....
...."Click, click, click."
Charged up (I thought) the Pro-start. Nope. Used the start assist function on the charger...nope.
Jumped it with the "old" battery. Good news is that I had a great drive around charging up the Pro-Start...
Running in the high 13v's while the truck was running.
Bad (?) news: The Pro Start won't take a charge to over 11.82v. Then, out of the truck, it loses about
.01v every five to six minutes. Won't charge back up...It's going back to Pep Boys.
Coarsegold, CA
RAT's shiny now.
But always a rat.