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Old 05-03-2013, 03:59 PM   #1
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66 C10 truck wont start

Hi, this is my first thread, wouldnt you know it would be a problem. I have a 327 in my 66 and the truck has been running pretty crappy under load for the past couple of days. In the process of eliminating some of the possibilities i had the truck running and noticed a red wire that had disconnected from the alternator. (its the wire that runs to the horn relay) i plugged the wire into the alternator while the ruck was running and heard a strange noise coming from the front of the truck. so i pulled the wire back out and pushed it off to the side. i went to go turn off the truck but before i could the wire had moved back to the alternator case and grounded. the truck died and i am getting no power. i tried to jump the truck and nothing. any ideas? all of the fuses in the fuse box are good.
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