Re: Cooling question
This thing is killing me. The gauge was fluctuating from around 190 all the way up to 260. I changed the new thermostat for another new thermostat that is supposed to be the best that NAPA sells. I changed the coolant temperature sensor as well. After all was put back together, I started it and watched the gauge. It went right on up to 260 and past it! I shut it down and now I'm here.
What in the heck is going on? Can the gauge in the dash be bad? Could the PO have done something weird with wiring to the coolant temp sensor? Do all small block Chevy coolant sensors run on the same voltage? Can the sensor be messed up? Can I get two bad thermostats in a row? Someone please help me figure this out. I don't want blow this engine up or blow a head gasket....if I haven't already done damage.