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Old 05-05-2013, 12:06 AM   #23
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Re: Is It Worth It? (PICS)

Originally Posted by KevinD85 View Post
if it is rust free to me its worth 2k+ all day.

all the trucks around me are rusted rotted junk and they still want 5k for them.

pm all these 700-1000 dollar rust free k10's because I haven't seen them.
And kind of what some of us were saying it all depends on where you live, where you're at you're going to pay more for a rust free truck. 2 for one but basically 1750 each its a jimmy but still a good deal and probably will come down some. another one still not a bad price.

Okay so these finds were just on a quick search but I don't think any of these are a bad deal and people are always willing to negotiate. These maybe not the best to prove a point being this was on a whim search and like I said the key is patience but if you find something you think is a good deal jump on it.

Last edited by Doug_J; 05-05-2013 at 12:33 AM. Reason: Didnt want to clutter the thread any more then I have
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