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Old 05-05-2013, 03:25 PM   #12
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Re: 72' Brake Issues ???

The problem with old brakes in a modern world is that the parts to really make them work as designed were banned long ago. Those rotors and calipers were intended to work with asbestos pads. Rotors don't need to be nearly as hard with asbestos pads and calipers don't need to take nearly as much heat because asbestos is a terrific insulator of heat. I agree, with those that say, if your brakes are at all original start over, or at the very least turn the rotors to within spec if you can and use some sort of organic or Kevlar based pad. If you are using semi-metallic or ceramic pads on rotors and calipers intended for asbestos everything will get too hot and lead to problems, and your brakes won't work very well until those problems occur. Modern materials have produced brakes that are much better than what was available in 1972, but modern materials cannot make old brakes perform as well as they originally did.
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