Thread: 65 gmc
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Old 05-06-2013, 02:09 PM   #11
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Re: 65 gmc

Originally Posted by da_bears_da1 View Post
As usual, McMurphy nailed it. The easiest way to get it apart is to start by taking off the things that are right in front of you. I started on the front end and took off the hood, front bumper, radiator, inner and outer fenders (taking off the wiring and components as you go). I then took the bed off so I just had the drive train and cab on it. Cab came off next and then the drive train. Now you are down to the frame and pull gas and brake lines, rear end, front suspension to get to a bare frame.

Take a look at some of the builds on the project pages and you can see what many of us have done to get to the frame. Remember, bag and tag and take more pictures than you think you need.
Bears is dead on with bagging and tagging!
You will need a couple boxes of plastic baggies (I tend to like the ones with the slide zipper as they are easier to manage with oily fingers), a roll or two of masking tape, and a couple of Sharpies (because you are going to set one down somewhere and waste a lot of time looking for it, until your wife finds it in the clothes dryer....)

Make sure you tag your wiring!
A piece of masking tape wrapped on itself as a tag at both ends describing where it plugged into, what it controls, is far far FAR better than having to figure it out, or trying to remember 12 or 16 months later.....

I also tend to put bolts back in threaded sockets, most especially if they are specialty bolts (like the ones with unthreaded tips on them or "guide bolts" which you will find on your door hinges)

With spare nuts and bolts, go ahead and marry them up as you go, better to take an unwanted nut off a bolt, than waste a ton of time looking for one to go ON a bolt....

As you tear her down, just remember that the first stuff off, is going to be the last stuff on, so put the hood, fenders, grille, bed and bumpers out in a shed, or the farthest away from your work area that you can. Otherwise you are going to a) trip all over them..... b) be tempted to work on them before the build is ready to take them back.

If you slog your way thru my build you will see that it snowballed on me, and spun wildly out of control. I was disorganized because I did not intend to do all the stuff that I have done/am doing.
I was just looking for something to tinker with, and soon realized I was in for the big haul !!

Good Luck, dont get discouraged or overwhelmed by anything.
I have had to do things 2 - 3 - and sometimes 4 times to get it right, or even just get it "good enough".

Oh....and dont drink too much caffine as you work on this. It may make you too impatient to get the results you want

So there is some more unsolicited advice, since you didnt ask
Michael McMurphy

My 66 Stepside
My 64 Tow Truck
My 66 Tempest

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