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Old 11-21-2003, 01:46 AM   #2
Try spinnin 4 rear tars
SWEET7T's Avatar
Join Date: Sep 2003
Location: Salt Lake City, Utah
Posts: 757
It looked like somebody had leaned, or tripped and hit the side of a previous truck I had. Left a nice looking shallow imprint on the side of my bed. I got one of those rubber dent pullers about 4" across. Push & pull. Worked pretty good. Don't get me wrong, it wasn't like new, you could still see it looking down the side of the truck. But it sure did make it a lot better. For a couple of bucks... It's worth a try!
1970 C10, 2wd, LB, 307/TH350/3.08. PS, PB
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