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Old 05-06-2013, 08:51 PM   #294
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Re: 1968 Chevrolet SWB Stepside Restomod

A few pics of the installation. Wasn't sure if the stars were aligned when we started. First thing that happened was the rental hoist was DOA. Had to make a second trip to the store and swap out lifts. Then the usual new engine combo gremlins took over. As Brian mentioned, even after he had new adapters built to move the engine farther back, we still had to notch the intermediate cross member. Both pans clear nicely now with the tubular transmission mount in place and the engine resting comfortably on the CPP perches. Granted, it did take a committee composed of workers, spotters, casual bystanders, gadflies and "you name it" to finally get the bolts thru the motor mounts and perch assemblies. Lesson from all this was to forego tightening any (and I mean any) fasteners until every single bolt has been inserted and/or threaded part way in. However, in the grand scheme of things, all setbacks were minor and in the end, we prevailed.

Now the fun part begins ...wiring, plumbing, more fabricating, backing up, lurching forward. WooHoo!
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