Originally Posted by Dodger
I have missed some of your posts too. Is this the same truck you had that extremely long thread on a while ago titled "rat rod it" or something similar.
Maybe you could start a new thread titled "Second try" and re the cash and where to hold it, maybe start another thread again titled "purchasing tips and tricks" and then just to be sure start up another one titled "How to find another truck if I can't get my first choice"...
Look, NOT to perpetuate this thing with Schrum but Dodger, you're being a ball buster. He's a kid and he's excited about owning an old truck and being able to chat with all of us about work he's doing. I thought about responding to the silly question about "where to hold my money" then realized its something silly I
might have said when I was whatever age he is...17, 18...? Lets cut the kid some slack AND remember we were all enthusiastic kids once!
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