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Old 05-07-2013, 09:10 PM   #66
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Re: LT1 powered stepper

Teaser update -
Got the bed and fenders back and they look great! No pics yet as I'm waiting to get everything back and reassembled.
I stripped the truck down of pretty much everything that would need to be masked to make the body guys job easier. (wipers came off after this pic)
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Also, although he did a great job with the box, I'm hoping that since the cab and chassis takes up quite a bit more real estate in his shop, he'll be finished with it a bit quicker than the 4 weeks he had the back half of the truck.
So on Saturday, I loaded some bits and pieces into the cab and . . .
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Views: 625
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Off she went!! - why the driver decided to back the truck out, idk - looks like he's bringing it back looking like a turd.
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