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Old 05-08-2013, 09:27 PM   #1571
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Re: Project Grande Slam: Coley's Hot Rod Shop

Originally Posted by CC69Rat View Post
I have never had any work done with him before but I hear a ton of people say he's one of the best in the area. I had this bedside at another painter actually and it sat for a long time. Dad walked in to check on it and he was sitting in a lawn chair, in a circle with a bunch of friends with the bedside on a stand .. basically using it for storage. Boxes, etc. sitting on top of it.

Dad loaded it in the truck and took it to the other painter. I can't say I blame him. Ironically, both painters are named Tony I will save the last names to protect the innocent.
I know the feeling. My hood was at the painter for over 6 months getting jammed and I went in there to pick it up and it had foot prints on it and rings from someone setting a drink on the fresh paint. I made him repaint it and will never take my business there again. Who did you use on the wheel tubs? I remember they looked pretty damn good as well
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