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Old 05-10-2013, 01:01 AM   #4
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Re: Braided wire loom

Buy more than you think you will need. The place I bought mine would only sell 100ft rolls. 3/16ths and 1/2in is what I think I used. A roll of 3/16ths was only $8. It was not the product you plan on using, I had to melt the end of the cut loom to keep it from fraying.
Buy several sizes of zip ties, I like black, they hide on the loom better. Buy several sizes of shrink tube, soldier and soldiering iron if you don't already have them, you can get these at Radio Shack. Soldier and shrink tube all of your connections.
Ron Francis Wiring sells a real nice grounding kit. If you don't buy one of his kits make sure you have enough wire to use for grounding...EVERYTHING. You can never have enough grounds. I have a dedicated ground going to almost everything on my truck, including the side marker lights, don't rely on the metal of the cab or frame to be a good ground. It takes a bit of planning and work but it's worth it. A bad ground will have you chasing gremlins in your electrical system for days.
Oh, buy yourself a good pair of wire strippers and stake on pliers (wire crimpers) Channel lock makes a nice set. For as much as you will be using them your hands and wiring project will thank you.

Sorry for the long post.
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