sounds like you may have a short somewhere... Since it has been in there for 2 years, wire insulation may have worn through. Of course this only applies if you hear whatever speaker(s) is hooked to it is cutting out (from the short).
Is your amp turned ALL of the way up?!
In the last 2 years, have you changed your interior to something or moved something that would cause your amp to not get circulation?!
If the need be, you can go to radio shack and get a 12V computer fan. I did this on an amp I had mounted inside the console in an old Jeep. Just wire the fan to your remote wire on the amp, everytime your headunit is turned on, the fan comes on and blows air over your amp. Worked for me
1970 C10, 2wd, LB, 307/TH350/3.08. PS, PB
Last edited by SWEET7T; 11-21-2003 at 10:50 PM.