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Old 11-21-2003, 11:35 PM   #17
Back from the Dead
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Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: Salem, Oregon
Posts: 522
I did use Parker DOT brass fittings, and DOT Truck airlines. Also, that SCUBA tank has worked great, no leaks and like 70 jimmy said, will hold more pressure than I'll ever plumb into my system.

I agree that you have made some good points Big ChevMan, and i too would reccommend that newbies to the airbag suspension world would probably be better off with a kit. however, I am just 17yrs old now, and this in fact was my first install. I did it myself in about 3 days time, and am very pleased with teh way it came out despite being built on a High-School budget. Don't get me wrong, I do plan on upgrading my system when funds permit, but right no I'm enjoying cruising it and having fun.
The only Carb that matters to me is the one under my hood!

Salem, Oregon
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