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Old 11-22-2003, 01:47 AM   #11
rusty ol' 69'
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Join Date: Aug 2002
Location: Chico, CA
Posts: 293
Thanks for all your responses and CLASS OF 69 we share the same hestation when it comes to "chain store" rebuilds. My pops was an engineer and when his starter went out he got a rebuilt one from a chain. When he put it in the gear would kick out and get stuck so he pissed and farted around with shims without any result, so he took it back to the store and asked to see his old core. They brought it out and he took out his caliper (did I mention he was an engineer) and measured the distance between the inside of the housing and the gear with it engaged and disengaged and found out the new one he had gotten was off by a few thousandths. After going through about 4 of the starters they had in stock he found one that was close. Since then I've been real weary about getting a starter from any "chain" store (they reman. those things in mexico by the way) unless I'm left with no choice. I figure just changing the brushes at this point is not an option, since my conductor is probably shot now. So either I have to find a rebuildable starter at the junkyard, or get a GM one as you mentioned. Do you know where I can pickup a rebuilt GM starter? Should I just call Chevy or will someone online have one.
project rust attack 1969 Chevrolet LWB w/ 307. I got power steering now woohooooo!!!!!!!
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