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Old 05-13-2013, 10:58 AM   #11
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Location: Parkersburg, WV
Posts: 42
Re: help removing 305

I've pulled my motor and trans quite a few times, it takes me about 30 min to get it out. I would just pull it all out much easier that way so if you do want to do anything to the trans it makes it much easier to do anything with it. Just like everyone else has said make sure the drive shaft has a plug or fluid will be everywhere. I would say its a two man job, make sure your motor hoist,( cherry picker whatever you call it) works and get the arms and cherry picker as close as possible, then have someone pump it up and basically just guide it through.
Vette 350 Dropped 85 C10, NOS Equipped.
62 Nova Wagon 355, Heidts front end, Pushing 500
1984 Cutlass Supreme 350
1999 Tahoe
1990 B2200 Mazda(gas getter)
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