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Old 05-13-2013, 08:11 PM   #7
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Re: help im burnin up

I know next to nothing about A/C, but just a suggestion - take your truck to one of the shops that have a $30 A/C check special and let them figure out what is wrong. I would not tell them what you have done, until they tell you that what you already replaced needs replacing.

Or, take it to a real A/C professional shop and let them troubleshoot it. For me, $30 - $75 is worth preserving my mental health.

I know this violates the square body owner's code, and I am as stubborn about DIY as the next guy, but sometimes it just makes sense to spend a few $$ for professional help rather than blow many more $$ on the wrong parts. ("not sayin' you need professional help in no bad way"

Having said that, it is always good to post here first. I have found many time and labor saving answers for "free" on this forum. If it turns out that you have ductwork and actuator valve/blend door problems, then we have a lot on that here, including a great tutorial with pics on R&R of the whole system.

Good luck and keep us posted.
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