Thread: LIFT questions
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Old 05-13-2013, 09:58 PM   #12
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Re: LIFT questions

Originally Posted by b454rat View Post
Many wheel companies have wheels that are 9" wide rather than 10". why who knows. So if you get a wheel that is 18x9, with about 4.5" offset, that will push it a little, but not too much. Would be a little over an 8" rally would be. This would also allow a 35x12.5 tire to fit on without being too narrow. Then it should fit on 4" lift. Tire sizes rarely measure up to what the sidewall says....

My old man had a truck with 35s on 18" wheels, they were 9" wide, and didn't really stick out too much. IMO should have been more...but that had a 6" lift...
k thanks, so it sounds like 6 inch lift would be the safer bet, just don't want a big gap. How many changes would i have to make for example drive line would i have to change vs a 4 inch lift. If it is that big of a deal might go 33's with 4 inch lift if i have to dump a bunch of money into all the other stuff. TIA
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