Thread: Tire age
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Old 05-14-2013, 12:08 AM   #29
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Re: Tire age

Originally Posted by 71swb4x4 View Post
I am not saying you are wrong, but I am curious as to why you are saying regular air rots the inside faster than the outside. There is regular air on the outside too right?

To the OP I would caution you to sift through the advice and try to find some info from educated sources.
Logically I think we can agree that there is a difference between a tire stored inside and one stored outside. I think we can also agree that tires are very important, and if we could choose between causing an accident, and spending money on new tires, we would spend the money. Of course the question which you are asking is when is it necessary to spend that money to avoid that accident. That is where you need educated sources.
I don't have a scientific answer, but I think it comes down to the air inside your tires is constantly heating up and cooling down and then traps moisture in there. I guess maybe it's like a musty moldy basement in there?

All I know is a 8 year old tire ruined a perfect rust free box of mine... So that made me a believer that I shouldn't run 8 year old tires.
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