Thread: Tire age
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Old 05-14-2013, 08:13 AM   #34
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Re: Tire age

Scary thread. The '67 GMC I just bought has Michelins on it that look great and have maybe 10,000 miles on them. They were put on in 1991 and the truck has been garaged pretty much all it's life.

If I remember right blow-outs occur when the tire loses enough air such that driving at highway speeds flexes the tire (imagine taking a low pressure tire and mashing it in and out about 15 times a second for 30 minutes). Drive long enough and it heats up enough such that it comes apart.

Older radials will come apart if the tires are switched from one side of the vehicle to the other.

So...driving at no more than 45 -50 mph for distances less than say 15-20 miles one way and taking a good look at the tires each time seems to me to be a reasonably safe way to get more life out of the tires. But...I'm not sure it's worth the risk....
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