Originally Posted by N2TRUX
Appearently you have never looked at a truck with Lowered A-Arms. The spring pocket hangs lower than the arm. Trust us old guys when we tell you, dropped spindles are your best choice.
Unfortunately, I am an old guy. Not my truck/lowering kit we're talking about but I'm comparing the physical differences. When you use a lowering spindle you raise the axle up by what ever the drop amount, which in turn lowers every thing attached to it, so the lower ball joint which is attached to the A arm gets lowered by that amount. The entire A arm is now closer to the ground. Now with a lowered A arm you drop the spring pocket by said amount and the spring pocket is now closer to the ground by the same amount. in either case the A arm is closer to the ground, with the spindle it's the entire arm with the lowering arms it's just the pocket. With, say 28" tall tires 3" drop by either method is not putting the components in a dangerous position. If you add a few more inches of drop then the components become very close to the ground. The only diffence between the two is the lowered spring pocket becomes the first thing that makes contact vs the entire A arm, which would explain damage to the pocket. Either way, hitting the ground with a stock A arm is not a good thing either.
I used some Belltech lowered A arms years ago, I don't remember if that was it or if I had additional drop, probably it was the lower A arms only, since I had no problems driving.
As far as which to use, I think they're both the same relative to the A arms hitting the ground, except for I can see the exposed pocket having a slight issue. Spindles are cheaper then lowered A arms which is probably why they're more popular.
All in all, I'll vote for spindles and springs.