Re: Tire age
This concept has been a tough one for me, but I am convinced that the money spent to replace old tires is WELL worth it. The only parts of our trucks that are actually touching the road are the tires. Old tires ride and handle like bricks after 4-5 years. The nice ride that new tires bring is worth it, not even considering all of the safety aspects.
I have the same issue with my other cars that don't get many miles per year. The timing belt should be replaced after 100,000 miles or 7 years. I am approaching 70,000 miles and 9 years, but I have to get that belt replaced for the health of the vehicle and its occupants. All rubber ages, deteriorates, and should be replaced regularly.
Just an Average Joe 
‘68 GMC 307 3spd – My dad's original truck
310,000 miles
Last edited by SacramentoJoe; 05-14-2013 at 12:22 PM.
Reason: shpelling