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Old 05-14-2013, 01:44 PM   #60
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Re: PO's son wants it back

I didn't even tell him a price, I told him I needed to talk to my wife about it and haven't heard back from him since. I guess I'll focus my repairs on the Caprice, and just use the C10 for what it does best until the wagon's where I want it. Entropy never sleeps.

Originally Posted by FetchMeAPepsi View Post
I didn't read all the replies here, but it sounds like you've got the devil ridin ya to get a new set of wheels anyway.
Problem solved - sell it for $1800 when he comes back to talk you down and be done with it.

It's less than what you asked, but it's going to get you closer to what you want and in the end that's what it's really all about, know what I mean?

Best of luck with the new wheels! Let us know what you get.

'66 C10 LWB 2 BBL 283 w/ T-5
'90 V1500 Suburban TBI 350 w/ 700R4
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