Thread: Tire age
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Old 05-14-2013, 03:19 PM   #45
72 GMC
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Re: Tire age

Originally Posted by Boog View Post
No, Kel. I think it's all over for this one.
I once pulled an old 62 Impala into the shop waiting it's turn for restoration. All tires aired up. Had been out in the weather for a few years I imagine. One day after a few months sitting in my shop one of them blew up. Just booom! while I was under the hood of another one. Cloud of dust and tire bits shot out from under it. Scared my horse I wanna tell ya. You just don't know when one will fail, new or old. Here we are telling you of our experiences and you might run those tires for 4 or 5 more years and have no problems at all But..
If you wanna put around close to home on those you just might be ok but it would be a good idea to stay away from running on the highway for even a few miles.
My 83 year old dad just replaced the Tiger Paws on his 91 pkup. They were still deep in tread but the sidewalls were cracked bad. He was afraid to drive it realizing those tires were about 13 yrs old. Good thing too.

That one is mounted in the bed. The other four are new. I gassed up at
lunch one day and it was fine. I came out about two hours later and thats
what it looked like. It still holds air. I couldn't bring myself to throw it away,
so I just threw another in the bed. This one starts a lot of conversations.
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