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Old 05-15-2013, 07:50 AM   #2224
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Re: What Did You Do With Your Truck Today ?

Originally Posted by fabguy View Post
Ok so yesterday I drilled through the firewall behind the fenderwell and pulled my front and rear sections of wiring through, also mounted my fuse block. Trying to hide the wiring is a bit of a challenge on this truck. Still need to figure out how to run my engine wiring as I want it hiden as much as possible, good thing EZ Wiring sends these looms out with alot of extra length.
ooppss, gotta go as I might be late for work.
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I was in the same boat. My uncle is an electrician and is wiring the truck. I mentioned the same thing to him, I wanted to really hide the wiring as much as possible.

Except for the main connector (which I can disconnect to remove the whole cab on the inner fender) everything is very well ran and hidden. If you would like I can take some photos to get you some ideas.

I am also running EZ and have nothing, but great things to say about them
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