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Old 05-15-2013, 11:30 AM   #1
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Another Drum to Disk Question

One of my first things I want to do to my truck is convert the front drum brakes to disk. I have read over the FAQ section and found some great articles on it.

I have found prices all over the place from around 850+

I am pretty much learning as I go with all of this but hoping that by reading and learning from the experience of others.....I will make less costly mistakes.

That said, I have a few questions.

First, I was looking at the Early Classic kit that says its everything I will need to complete the swap. I think it comes in at just under 900.00.

Right now I still have the 6 lug rims. They are aftermarket rims and at some point I plan to change them but I am not sure to what yet. If I install the disk brakes on my truck will I most likely HAVE to change the rims ?

For future rims I was thinking about going with LMC Truck rally wheel with the number 3 hubcap but do not know if these rims will fit over the disk brakes. If those rims will not fit the disk brakes and I will have to buy other rims....I will just go to 5 lugs. I was just hoping to use the rims on my truck a little longer.

What im trying to do is keep my truck with as little down time as possible due to me not wanting to have my truck completely hogging up my father in law's shop.

I want to focus on the brakes first .......start the swap, complete the swap in a timely fashion.

If I will need to get rims also or other things then I would rather order the parts when I can....get them all and then do the job.

Sorry for all of this....I know that brakes have been talked about a bunch on here.
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