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Old 05-15-2013, 09:16 PM   #7
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Re: Utah metal fab? Need bed shortened

There's a guy in Lehi that does a lot of custom work. I can't remember his name, but his shop is on the road that goes past the roller mills-not the road that goes on out towards Redwood, but the other road. Like, turn North after you get past the freeway. There used to be a Wingers on the road that you can see from the freeway, but from Orem, you'd be past the exit when you can see the Wingers. It seems like the road I'm thinking of kind of turns west a little and his shop is right where it starts making the turn. I spent 2 years doing a remodel/addition to Lehi high school a few years ago and I used to stop in and talk to him from time to time. In fact, if you are driving south on 15, you can see his yard and there are always a lot of old cars waiting their turn parked there.
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