Thread: bolt on bags
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Old 05-16-2013, 08:36 AM   #3
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Re: bolt on bags

Originally Posted by jrobertop88 View Post
Any of you guys running bolt in air bags, and what are the pros and cons on the set up... And if there's any pictures that show height that would be great. Thanks fellas.
(Any of you guys know how to upload pictures via phone. Android so, no iPhones)
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If your truck has a trailing arm suspension with coil springs the air bags are easy to do. There are a lot of threads that show mild to wild air bag systems. I have 2600 series bags with a 2" lowering block and no notch on the rear of my 66 gmc. I dropped the front 2.5: with spindles, installed the bags so I could get the ride height where we wanted it. There are so many variables in air bags that one really has to know what you want to accomplish:

How low do you want to go ?

here is a link to my build showing the transition from stock to lowered. My next step is to do a mild notch and then change the front springs and front tires. Adding bags to the rear is the first step in being able to adjust the stance of your truck.

stock with 15" 235/70 tires:

first iteration of rear bags:

later we removed the bottom cage and bolted the bag directly to the trailing arm: then installed a lowering block:

before picture without front drop spindles:

pictures after the drop spindles:

If you want to go farther than this it gets expensive and can involve modifications to the rear frame all the way to replacing the rear suspension altogether. At the front of the truck you can pancake the front crossmember, add air bags to front, or install a complete Porterbilt front suspension.

Hope this helps a little. Kieth
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