Originally Posted by Robznob11
I have a good gas mig with low heat and am pretty good at welding. I have modded lots of things on my truck but as statet there is no way around srinkage and the hammer and dolly. I spent a full week filling a marker light on one side i mean i went super slow and plenty of cooling. I would do a tac or two and then come back in 20 to 30 min and when it was almost done well it oilcanned! I did the first side 2 times . And the point is unless you have a tig and plan to spend hours with a hammer and dolly your better off to just fix what you have if its not rusted out! Either way your probably going to end up with dynaglass filler so why not save the time and the broke tools and so one that are going to fly once you get pissed when you relize we told you so! Not trying to be smart but i have thrown and beat lots of crap when things did not go as planned! If you have plenty of body lines around patches are a breeze but bedsides are for the pro's!
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There are nay-sayers and there are prove-you-wrongers,I guess. Lots of us have done this type of welding (some for many decades) with great success. So,you're not telling us anything new. Guys gut tops across the flat to add clearance lamps,put 67/68 noses on 69-72 hoods,and on and on. In this case "fixing it" means welding on the flat,anyway. Heck,it's already bent! So...