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Old 05-16-2013, 10:28 AM   #17
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Re: For those of you hacking up beds

Originally Posted by special-K View Post
There are nay-sayers and there are prove-you-wrongers,I guess. Lots of us have done this type of welding (some for many decades) with great success. So,you're not telling us anything new. Guys gut tops across the flat to add clearance lamps,put 67/68 noses on 69-72 hoods,and on and on. In this case "fixing it" means welding on the flat,anyway. Heck,it's already bent! So...
Yea i guess your right! If you want to spend 2 weeks to cut weld and rebend the metal befor you fix it go ahead your going to end up with pretty much the same results! Id say i fit in the prove you wrong catigory. I channeled my truck, compleatly reworked the front end to look like a camaro, did a 61 dash swap, tubbed it shaved the inners, so on and so on! Im speaking from experiance! Some things have to be cut and welded but from this pic im 99.9 % you will get better results re working the oe. You know its kinda the same as people who throw out a fender because of a minor dent and order a repop only to find there is 10 times more work in fitting the repop again i learned from making the imstake q/4 to match the door. My cowl hood has to be slice down both sides to flatten out to match the fenders. Im not trying to be a know it all. Just trying to save someone else the head ache! It certainly can be done but be prepaired for 3 times the work!
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