Thread: bolt on bags
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Old 05-17-2013, 11:41 AM   #6
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Re: bolt on bags

Originally Posted by jrobertop88 View Post
Very helpful thanks, right now it's sitting lower than what you yours at, mine is on cut spring coils. But it's too stiff bouncing.. I'll find the thread so you can see how low it is. and how low I want it with out notches on the frame... Thanks for showing your set up, how does it ride
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Like a sports car rides really smooth. If you are going lower than mine you will have to notch it. There just is not enough room for the center of the rear end, it will bang the bottom of the bed, and you want enough room so it has some travel up and down. Here is a picture of a bridged frame that will let you go extremely low....

here is a project we call Corina Patina but she has not had a lot of attention lately.
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