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Old 05-17-2013, 09:45 PM   #17
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Re: Mechanical Fuel Pump not pumping

Well, it appears that a mechanical needs to be primed. I did not know this and swear I never have done it before. However, after 2 new mechanical pumps I bought a electric pump and plumbed it in series. Meaning that I have it pumping to and through the mechanical pump. It pulled from the poly tank, through 2 filters the mechanical pump and loaded the floats of the Edelbrock 1406 and my engine fired. Because I need to adjust my lifters and have my covers off, I did not start the engine and hooked up my under hood starter. While cranking the engine I noticed my fuel pressure gauge jump up to 7-8 lbs WITHOUT the electric pump! I let it rest a while and did some other tasks, came back and the pressure gauge dropped to 0, so I squeezed the remote starter trigger and the engine cranked, and the fuel pressure gauge jumped right back up to 7+ lbs!!!! Why would a mechanical pump need to be primed? Also, as I had sucked gas up through the line from 2 different sources to check for flow the mechanical pump did not build pressure. Anyone have any input?? This was very frustrating!! Guy
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