Re: My Decision
I say do what you enjoy, but you do need to get out of the garage every now and then. Most teenagers these days are either up to no good, or playing video games.So, I think your doing just fine. My teenager plays guitar, so he just has a couple friends that play guitar as well and he gets up with them every now and then. Other than that he sits in his room and learns a new song. I'm "unsocialable" as well. I'm happy just hanging out here on the farm and messing with something, truck, tractor or some farm repair that needs to be done. My wife (who I met because she worked for me) is the social one. She will invite people over and I'm forced into but that usually includes grilling something and a beer or two.
Many toys, not enough time to play!
My youngest son and I picked up a 69 Chevy C-10 on 1/7/22, this is my second 69, it was 10 years ago that I had my other one. So I’m back!!!