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Old 05-20-2013, 09:37 AM   #10
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Join Date: Jan 2013
Location: Wild West AZ
Posts: 162
Re: Project "Booger" UPDATE

Well its been a while since I poked my head in here so I figured I better update. Between breaking out the camper and heading to Northern AZ and working my tail off I haven't had alot of time but I have been slowly plugging away!

I've spent the majority of my time trying to put together this aftermarket grill I bought...Let me start off by saying "they don't make them like they used to"...New grill is paper thin and a complete lightweight compared to the original. That said I was able to get it assembled without casualty.

Next came fitting it to the truck...Hmmm Seems the problem I was having with the hood not closing translates into an even bigger problem fitting the grill. After a few hours of loosening and tugging on things I got the grill in place:

Finally got the hood aligned and everything seems to open and close as it should and I knew going in old boogs front end is a tad out of whack from his previous life but with a few spacers here and a little grinding there I got the bumper on straight and boog looked like this:

Did some other things like finishing up the lights, installing a new AC drier, Carpet, Steering wheel, Tailgate handle/latches, door seals (Press on from GMCPauls are awesome by the way) and much more that I didn't get pics of unfortunately. I'll take some of those when I get the interior done.

In any case I rolled old boog out into the sun yesterday while I cleaned the garage and this is what boog looks like today:

At this point I need a radio, speakers, some headlights, side glass and a seat and the first iteration of booger is almost complete

Man I wanna drive this thing...

Project Booger Build Thread
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