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Old 05-23-2013, 01:52 PM   #6990
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Post Re: What did you do to your truck today!

As usual ;

You alls did much impressive works .

Sunday 5/19 I was headed out to a three day Road Rally in my vintage Metropolitan Nash FHC , @ 04:30 the gas pickup tube clogged so I had to hop into my unprepared '69 C/10 for the trip .

It was a total blast ! the Falken LT tires and Bilstein HD shocks made the original suspension work great ~ as soon as I got off the freeway and onto those wonderful twisty Farm To Market back roads , I was able to catch & pass almost every other vehicle I encountered including Sports Cars , Motos and one very surprised L.E.O. who looked at my old truck and said it was nice before driving off....

I sure surprised a lot of Farmers and Locals , all of whom were driving much newer vehicles .

The clapped out 250 I6 had NO PROBLEM keeping me going , I kept it to <65 MPH , even on the steepest hills I had no power problems .

I was really worried about how much oil it would take but in spite of at least 7 full tanks of gas , I only used 2 & 1/2 quarts .

Ca Rt's 33 , 245 etc. (we spent three days in Visalia) were mucho fun to tear up ~ I kept thinking the guys with the big V-ates and lowered , tuned suspensions would have loved this .

I still don't even have a front sway bar on this rig .
'49 3100 235 W/ Muncie SM420 SOLD
'69 C/10 shortbed sidemount survivor 250 L6 W/ 350TH
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